Sunday, December 11, 2011

Virgin A Day ~ Day 11

These are my hands.  The hands of a rosary maker.  In the beginning, I felt Mary place her hands over mine and ever so gently show me "this way, this is how it is done".

Rosary making came very easy to me.  Others said how wonderful they thought my "bows" were, and marveled that they were so "perfect".  I told them always, "it is not me, it is Mary."  Yes, we are on a first name basis, she whispers my name all the time.  I recite a litany of "Hail Marys" whenever I am in need.   We are very close, we two.

Mary nudged me to have my rosary pliers blessed, which I did, way back in 2000?  Father Fryar (who later became Monsignor Thomas Fryar) looked at me sideways, shrugged, and blessed my tools. Tools which were held in my hands.  These hands.  Blessed by Father, blessed by Mother, and blessed by God himself, I'm sure.  My tools have never needed sharpening, nor replaced.  A fellow rosary maker told me he replaced his pliers every couple of years.

These hands have made thousands of rosaries over the years, rosaries that have gone far and wide to those who will pray to Mary for her intervention in their lives and sorrows, and in thanksgiving for their joys and happiness.

When I look at these hands with these pliers, I see Mary. Can you see her too?

Peace be with you!


This image is borrowed from Rebecca of recuerda mi corazon.  


  1. I have known stories like this to happen in the lives of those that believe and have faith in something. Yours is Mary, another's might be the Sun, Moon and Stars. And there are many that have faith in more than one being, spirit or concept. This is what makes the circle complete, the time we accept them all as one.
    Beautiful creations by the way.


  2. Ahh yes Mary and you - it is so clear to me. Mary and I are also on a first name basis as she whispers things in my ear to inspire me. I am so happy she brought us together. It is one of Her Graces I am sure.

  3. Your work is important and oh so beautiful.
    And yes, I can see your guide shining through.

  4. Wow-I am speechless. A powerful story that fits in with Rebecca's post about the name of her blog. To have such a strong connection is pure heaven.

  5. dear one,

    each morning we have thrown open the doors to our hearts.

    we have called out glory, love, compassion.

    day after day we have set out welcoming chairs in the

    house of belonging.

    lifting the veil of sacred existence.

    beveled off the edges of difference and distance

    to see more deeply the

    unbearable beauty of simply being,


    for this and so much more i thank you,

    and look forward to our forever


  6. What a wonderful story. Blessings!

  7. What a gift to be making rosaries and have Mother Mary so close to you ~ you are blessed ~ thanks, namaste, CArol (A Creative Harbor) AVAD ^_^

  8. As a rosary pray-er, I am in awe of your hands, with the pliers and your tools nearby. I see a symbolic connection in that last photo but can't make out an actual Mary image. By the way, it looks like you have a tattoo on your ring finger. What does that symbolize?

  9. @Fran - there isn't an actual image of Mary in the final photo, but I can see her hands over mine.... The tattoo is my wedding band. In 2008, God graced me with another husband. We have matching tattoos that read "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" in Hebrew. I am very grateful to Josh for helping me and my sons in our healing process. It continues to this day.
