Sunday, February 5, 2012

Postcards from Paradise

The Hubby and I went for a drive this morning and happened upon this beautiful sight.  We saw the artists building the wall of snow yesterday and had no idea this is what they were intent on doing.  

Considering it's 31degrees outside the wording is a bit tongue in cheek, but to a Polar bear, I suppose it would be a heat wave. 

See, I knew on Friday's post today would be less grey! 

These are my postcards from paradise.

Visit Rebecca and the other participants of Postcards from Paradise at recuerda mi corazon for more beauty.

Rebecca, thanks as always for having me!

Peace be with you,


  1. we are in summer here in Australia and have not had a heat wave -yet-... a very cool summer!
    at first, I thought this was at a beach and made from sand.. but no, snow!!

  2. oh shannon how you delight with your postcards today!
    so glad you caught this yard salutation! very clever and amusing.

  3. This is one of the best postcards from paradise I have ever seen, has brightened my day!

    Sue x

  4. Ah such fun and on a glorious sunny day. THe sculptures must have been super exciting to see....another form of creativity. smiles: sharon

  5. Wonderful and such fun and creativity ~ Love how your photos look like post cards ~ I am working on that ~ how did you do that? namaste, carol ~ A Creative Harbor

  6. I thought this was a sand sculpture at first...THEN I realized this is Gama's gas station!!!

    you live in longmont
    such a small world

    hoping it is still there tomorrow morning so I can go see it
