Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Virgin A Day - Day 4

Our Lady of Advent

Another image I have not seen before.  I searched  Our Lady of Advent because there was a lovely statue bearing the same name at the vendor fair I attended this weekend.  That image came up, but so did this one.  According to the website I borrowed it from, this statue comes from Ecuador. 
I absolutley love images of the Blessed Mother while she was pregnant.  One doesn't see many of them, but more and more lately they are coming to my attention.  Expecially at this time during Advent, as Mary waited in anticipation of the birth of the Christ child.  I cannot begin to imagine how she must have felt, times are so different now.  Just think about it for a bit.... words cannot express....

Join me again tomorrow for more Mornings with Mary - Virgin a Day hosted by Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon.  Although lately my posts shop up later in the evening....
Peace be with you,


  1. That is very simple, peaceful, and real. Thanks.

  2. Oh wow shannon. This is indeed very real and beautiful. Love the image as well and yes, "words cannot expres." Thank you.

  3. How beautiful ~ thanx ^_^ ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  4. dear shannon,

    i have only seen one mary round with child and i have placed her in my home so my eyes fall on her each day and remind me to believe in the divinity of all moments, all people.
    thank you. i must take a photograph of her to share before december 12. i love each adoration of mary. it is lovely to think of her, and the birth of her beloved son as we walk toward christmas.

  5. She is spectacular, so round and contented. I can't help but think of Princess Kathryn in the hospital while she deals with her extreme morning sickness. I wonder if Our Mary had morning sickness.

  6. I have never seen this image - she's great!

  7. What a wonderful picture - she reminds me of a young woman of the '60s, off to the Summer of Love in San Francisco.
