Amber Glass and Goldstone Gilt Rosary
A couple weeks back I slipped, fell and landed heavily on my left hand. By morning next it was swollen and very painful. I was concerned that it may have been broken, but as the day progressed it came to be known as just a horrific sprain.
One doesn't realize just how much one uses their hands (or legs or... enter other body part here) until one can no longer utilize it. Strangely enough, I use my left hand more in rosary making than my right hand. My left hand's fingers have callouses to prove it. Rosary pliers can be very brutal! I am thankful for those callouses, they allow me to work many long hours and protect my hands from pain.
Since I have been unable to grip anything at all in my left hand for almost two weeks, my rosary construction went to a standstill. Instead I have worked on other things that do not require usage of my left hand. Like cleaning house. Scrubbing can easily be done single handed. I am thankful that certain areas of my house are cleaner than they have been in quite some time.
I also spent much time working on the tedious paperwork aspect of running a small business. Since The Rosary Lady is a sole proprietorship, everything falls upon me for completion. The family asked if there was anything they could do to help, but sometimes it's just best to do things yourself. Not to mention I have issues with delegating. The Lord and I have spoken about this. One day I hope to be better at sharing the work load. I am thankful that I have the ability to maintain my small business with a medium amount of insanity.
With Advent and Christmas upon us, I know that many will be requesting custom orders for gifts for their loved ones. I am very thankful for this. I love creating custom rosaries, I love the research and thought processes that go into it. I love making changes and adjustments until the rosary
feels just right to me. I often utilize information gleened from various Catholic resources to make the rosary as individual and personalized as possible. I am thankful that Mother Mary
still places Her hands over mine and guides me to what is best.
I hope that this particular season finds all of you thankful, even for the smallest thing. Count your blessings for within them are the greatest of treasures.
Peace be with you!